Friday, May 15, 2009


Globalization has affected the political, social and economic development of every corner of the world. However, it has had a greater effect on industrially developing nations attempting to compete in the global economy. Throughout our unit, we have studied the beginnings of globalization by looking at old and new imperialism, and understanding the uneven relationship between mother country and colony. In our study, we have begun to understand why global inequality exists and how it affects the world post-colonization by looking at specific examples, like Jamaica. We would like you to continue a study of globalization and how it affects industrially developing and under-developed nations by performing a case study of a country of your choosing.

Over the next few weeks, you will study a country of your choice, and create a booklet about how globalization has affected its development.

Globalization Project-Research Prompts

Today’s Society

Your job is to summarize this nation’s current economic, political and social structures. Your summary must include the following:

• What is the political structure in this nation?
o How are leaders determined?
o What does the government look like?

• What is the economy like in this nation?
o How do people exchange goods and services?
o What are the major imports/exports (if any)?
o What are the available natural resources?
o Who has what in this society?
o Who decides?

• What is the social structure of this nation?
o What does the family structure look like?
o Describe the value systems.

You must use reliable print and web sources for the basis of your summary, and keep track of these sources in the space below.

Globalization Project-Research Prompts


Your job is to summarize this nation's history after it won independence. Your summary must
include the following:

• How did your nation gain independence?
o Who were the major groups involved in leading the struggle for independence?
o What significant events took place in this struggle for independence?

• When did your nation gain independence?

• How did the political structure change after independence?
o How were leaders chosen?
o What did the government look like after independence?

• How did the economic structure change after independence?
o How were goods and services exchanged in the new economy?
o What were the major imports/exports immediately after independence?
o Who owned land and capital after independence?

You must use reliable print and web sources for the basis of your summary, and keep track of these sources in the space below.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Globalization Project-Research Prompts


Your job is to summarize this nation's history as a colony of a western empire. Your summary must include the following:

• Who colonized this region and when?
o Why did they choose this region as a colony?

• What was the economic relationship between colony and mother country?
o How were goods and services exchanged in the new economy?
o What were the major imports/exports during colonialism?
o Who owned land and capital during colonialism?

• What was the political structure under colonization in this region?
o How were leaders chosen?
o What did the government look like?

You must use reliable print and web sources for the basis of your summary, and keep track of these sources in the space below.

Globalization Project-Research Prompts

Before Colonization

Your job is to summarize this nation's history prior to colonization by a western nation. Your
summary must include the following:

• Who are the indigenous inhabitants of this region?

• What was the political structure in this region?
o How were leaders determined?
o What did the government look like?

• What was the economy like in this region?
o How did people exchange goods and services? Did they have a currency?
o What were the major imports/exports (if any)?
o What were the available natural resources?

• What was the social structure of this region?
o What did the family structure look like?
o Describe the value systems.

• What were the achievements of the society that existed prior to colonization?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Globalization Project Internet Links

Conducting Your Internet Research

Finding a reliable web source can be difficult, but is necessary in conducting good internet research. Here are some tips for finding reputable sources on the internet. Check to see if you can respond “yes” to the following questions:

-Is there an author or sponsor of the page?
-Are the author's credentials listed?
-Is the author's affiliation listed?
-Is contact information provided? (HINT: if a tilde (~) mark is used in the address
that usually indicates a personal home page and may not be reliable.)
-Has this page been updated recently?
-Is the page well organized?
-Is the site still under construction?
-Can you verify the information by using the links available? Do they take you where
they should take you?
-Is there a copyright symbol on the page?

Search Engines:

NationMaster – World Statistics, Country Comparisons

World Trade Organization

CIA World Fact Book:

IMF Country Search :

Librarians Index to the Internet:

Internet Scout Report:

If you have a library card at the Brooklyn Public Library or the NYPL, you can use their online search engines with your card barcode.