Friday, March 26, 2010

Interesting Link!!!

The link below has a video from a new show that discusses wealth inequality of women of color. You may use this as a source for your paper.

HW # 4 Finish Free Writes - Due 3/25

Who has what in American society? (2-3 Pages)

- What is the distribution of wealth in America?

- How does having/not having wealth impact your access to other resources such as education health care and influence in society?

- What are some societal factors that determine whether or not you have wealth? (For example, family, race, gender, level of education etc.)

- Bonus: What does this distribution of wealth tell you about American values?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Article Summary Response # 4 - Due Friday 3/26

You may want to find an article about the new health bill since it is a hot topic this week.

Friday, March 19, 2010

HW # 3 - Due Monday 3/22

Read and annotate handout on Prison Labor. Write 2-3 discussion questions.

HW # 2 - Due 3/18

Answer the two Aim questions in one paragraph each. Make sure to use details/evidence to support your answer.

Aim Questions:
1. What role does health care play in the way wealth is distributed in the U.S. today?

2. What affect does health care have on who has power in American society?

HW # 1 - Due 3/17

Topic: Health Care
Read and annotate 7.2-7.5. Write 2-3 discussion questions.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Article Summary Response # 3 - Due Friday, 3/12

This Article Summary Response will count towards the 2nd Marking Period Grade. You may want to select an article about Health Care since that is what we have been focusing on in class.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Check out this link!

The link below will take you to a photo collection that the NY Times started. The Photos are of the Gowanus Canal and were submitted by the public. Two of the photos were from our show and were taken by our students!!! Awesome!!!

NY Times: Gowanus Photos

Check out this link!

The link below has an article from NY Times about the Gowanus Canal being declared a Superfund site. What is most interesting is all the reader comments at the bottom of the page. Their comments sound very similar to our debate!

Gowanas Article: NY Times

HW # 6 - Due Friday 3/5

Read and Annotate the excerpt from "Savage Inequalities in Public Education" by Jonathan Kozol. Write 2-3 discussion questions.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Senior Theme Day Reminder

This Friday (3/5) is Career Day!

HW # 5 - Due 3/3

Answer each of the Aim questions based on the information in the charts/graphs we looked at in class.

Who has what in American society?
How is wealth distributed in American society?
What doe the government value?