Monday, April 11, 2016

Case Study Research Links & Task

There often is a gap between theory and practice. The ideas of communism and socialism are contentious. To many both economic systems in theory sound appealing. However, few of us have lived in Cuba, China or the Soviet Union, countries that attempted to put into practice socialist and communist ideas. Through your research you will be attempting to assess how well the theories of socialism and communism have held up in practice.

Your task will be to study one of these countries as a case study. Through your research you will try to answer the following questions:

What changes were made? Structures put in place? Consider the following categories: Government, Education, Healthcare, civil rights

How did life get better for people and how did life get worse for people?

Who benefited the most? the least?

Research Links:

Explanations of Socialism/communism/capitalism form different perspectives

Differences between economic systems

Socialist Movement Defines Socialism

Bernie’s Brand of Socialism

Socialism a bad idea

Definition of Socialism

UK The Week Pros and Cons for Cuba

What is Socialism, Cuba, China & North Korea

Socialist Perspective - Long series of Articles that answer the question: Is Cuba Socialist?
USSR (see handouts)

Soviet citizen interviewe
Soviet Constitution
China (see handouts)

Constitution of the People’s Republic of China 1954

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